Asset: Industries Communications Cloud - SFI CME EPC and CPQ Reports and Dashboards Unmanaged Package
Context In SFI CME, when we are configuring data, checking, and debugging we need to analyse reports and dashboards that make a little bit better our lives helping to debug issues, detecting poor data, bad configuration, bugs... All data configured is susceptible to be checked in the Org to see if the data is corrupted, is orphan, is well designed and implemented and so on. There are many issues at run time that are happening in Industries CME because of a bad quality of data, bugs in the configuration and other items that are impacting at run time: CPU Time Limit exceeded, exception errors, performance... and it is difficult to analyse the root cause of the problem without having a look to the managed package logs from Industries CME package. Unfortunately, there are no so many references in the official documentation for this matter, except the known product attributes report from the Product Designer →